Tuesday 24 March 2015

DAY 1 Of my new healthy lifetsyle

So day 1 is well and truly over. Its nearly midnight so time to type out a quick blog.

So I woke up and Mum made me a very very tasty green juice consisting of cucumber, ginger, lemon, apple, pineapple and turmeric with spiruilina, wheatgrass and acidophilus. I was surprised at just how tasty it was. I had a pint of that and half an avocado with salt and pepper. Its funny people think im crazy for drinking juices, especially green ones. But I am never gonna sit down, no matter how hungry I am and eat half a pineapple, 4 apples, quarter cucumber, a whole lime and  a big ole chunk of ginger, am i ? No, no im not. Unless im a nutter. I'm not overindulging by having this much fruit and veg, im nourishing my body.

Once the juice had kicked in I had tonnes of energy. Considering I had just woke up 30 minutes before I was pretty hyper.  I was dancing around the house and jumping about. I had my shower then took my fat photos. Haha, I love to call them my fat photos. All lovely 12 stone of me.  I probably don't look that big to some people, but to me im big. I know im healthier smaller, more toned less fat. Less chunk. 

After my shower, and fat photos I had my second juice, well some of it, then headed out shopping and took it with me. This one had pineapple, apple, broccoli, ginger, beetroot and lemon in. Its not as tasty, but still nice. By no means is it yucky. 

Myself and Mum have started using these funny vibration plates for toning. You stand on them for 15 minutes then sit for 15 minutes and its meant to help tone you. It does make you wee. It does make you feel like your in a sex store, using 1 million vibrators. ON . YOUR. NOSE. 

Did I mention it makes you wee? I went for a wee before I got on then as soon as it started I needed another wee. Another damn wee. Bloody bladder.

This afternoon I had a mono snack of blanched broccoli. I have always loved broccoli so it wasn't hard for me to eat a whole bunch. Mmmm tasty greeny goodness.

I whipped up some hummus to take to my friends house tomorrow.

Here is the recipe . Serves 8.


2 tins of chickpeas

1 lemon
1 clove of garlic


Finely chop the garlic and add it to the blender. Add two tins of chickpeas and 3 / tbs of Tahini and blend. Blend for 4 minutes. Check the consistency. It will be pretty thick. Add more tahini, the juice of a whole lemon, some salt and pepper and a healthy kick of paprika. Continue to blend. Continue to add Tahini and blend until you get it to the consistency you want.  Its really so quick and easy.

Serve with Carrot sticks, cucumber sticks and peppers. 

For dinner I made a Delicious chick pea and spinach Moroccan spiced tagine served with cous cous. I surprised myself, cos it was fantastic. Who'd have though, me , a good chef ?


For the Tagine

2 tins of chick peas

1 bag of spinach
2 onions
1 garlic clove
coconut oil
Tomato Puree

For the cous cous

Cous cous 


Method for the tagine

Finely chop your garlic and onion and fry for 10 minutes on a low heat in coconut oil

Chop your carrots, apricots and dates and add to the onion and garlic
Add 1 teaspoon of ground cumin, 1 teaspoon of ground Turmeric, 1 teaspoon of paprika and stir.
Drain two tins of chickpeas and add to the mix with two cans full of water. Add 2 tea spoons of tomato puree and leave to simmer.

Leave to simmer for 30 minutes, adding more spice if need be.

Once your chick peas are cooked and the carrots are no longer raw add your spinach, stir through for 30 seconds and serve with your cous cous.

For the Cous Cous.

Cover the cous cous with a pint of vegetable stock and leave to simmer for 6 - 8 minutes

De pip one full pomegranate and roughly chop a handful of nuts of your choice. I chose almonds. All I had in the house you see.

Leave it to one side.

Serve your cous cous and sprinkle the pomegranate and nuts on top.

This dish was seriously tasty. Full of flavor, spice with a nice fruity tangy touch from the apricots and raisins. A sharp burst of flavor from the pomegranate and a crunch from the nuts.

Cant wait for tomorrows lunch... Guess what it is :) 

So thats day 1 over with. Pretty easy. Very filling. Very satisfying. Here I am going to bed at 23.56. I really need to get those timings down. Need to sleep earlier ! 


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