Tuesday 14 May 2013

The supermarkets here in The Netherlands

Seriously, for those of you on my facebook, you have probably seen me ranting about the supermarkets here. I sound like such a whiney bitch. But its true, they are just lame. Give me sainsburys any day.

When I first went to the supermarket, I was just like, well is this it? Wheres the rest ?

The Albert Heijn by my house was small, it was like a mini supermarket that you can just stop in back home and get some milk in. but that was the supermarket. that was everything they had to offer.

A few weeks later I found a very big one, like the size of a regular sainsburys. But still, it didnt have as much as we have at home. It was big yes, but everything was just more spread out.

So the supermarkets are just lame. yes theres Alsi and Lidl, but even back home we dont do a full supermarket shop there.

I went to this supermarket the other day, near to the house im in at the mo. Turns out it was some kind of turkish supermarket. But still, it was a dutch turkish supermarket, so surprise surprise it was rubbish. Can you see where this rant is going ? It had hardly any vegetables, no bacon, no freaking bacon ! And only a few select pieces of chicken, some weird rice, no booze, and most of the shelvs were empty. It was like they knew something I didnt know. All the bread was gone. all the rice, you know all that kinda stuff. Maybe something was gonna happen, like the world was gonna end, and I just didnt know.

Dont even get me started on the bacon here. I bought some bacon the other day. It was wafer thin. AND ROUND. WHO HAS ROUND BACON ?! ROUND BACON ?

I cooked it, and it just went all soggy, didnt crisp up, and just tasted processed.

Basically the long and short of this poinless blog, is , eat out, eat falafal. Just falafal. Go eat falafal.


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